Basing Caradryan progres

After the priming I left base for a day to completely dry. As protection from dust and other small air elements I put a glass over the base. Next day I have started with basecoating. I am using for most of my paint job only Vallejo Model Colors.

For rocks I have used glaze (75:25 color-water mix) of VMC Black Grey with touch of Light Grey and Azure Blue. Three coats should be enough as a solid base for next steps.

Then drybrush with Light Grey/Black Grey mix with retarder for slower drying followed by local drybush with Black Grey/Azure Blue mainly in darker places. Light Grey drybrush was next step for places in direct light (top sides of stones).

Now, its time for washes. I have used washes in this order:
- Royal Purple + Azure Blue (mainly for darker places)
- GW Gryphonne Sepia
- GW Devlan Mud
- Olive Green (simulates a moss in darker and wet places)
- Smoke (darkest places)
For better variety combine them randomly for a last touch in to the random places.

After the washes some places need re-highlight. For final lights I added into the previous drybrush mixes a bit of GW Dheneb Stone and Pale Sand. Next day I checked final result on daylight.

Since I have washes ready on my wet palette I have glazed ground (and some top of rocks when will be grass, moss or flowers) with English Uniform followed by wash from Flat Earth, GW Gryphonne Sepia, GW Devlan Mud and Smoke. Borders when ground meets rock received light wash from Olive Green. For good feeling, drybrush of Pale Sand for ground one more time.

Rock cracks and other places received light local wash from pigments with water. First wet the places and then apply diluted pigment mix. CMK Dark rust followed by MIG Lights rust.

TREE Basecoat:
As a base coat form my later works I put about three glazes of Smoke with water mixed. Brushstrokes lead from light to shadow. Then I glazed tree locally with Olive Green in places were should moss grow.